brick size

Standard Brick Size

Various countries have various standard brick size and dimensions, however, brick can be made in multiple shapes and sizes, depending on its application. If bricks […]

Brick Veneer

Brick veneer is a non-structural layer of brick used in construction of buildings, placed at outer layer, generally backed by an air space. The materials […]

Retaining Wall

Retaining wall is a relatively rigid wall used for supporting the soil mass laterally so that the soil can be retained at different levels on […]


The word ‘coffer’ means a casket, chest or trunk. A cofferdam is a temporary structure built to enclose an area for excavation of foundation. Coffer […]

Concrete Companies

There are lot of concrete companies across the world located in various countries. We have tried to list out some of the popular concrete companies […]


The bitumen is the binding material which is present in asphalt. It is also sometimes called as the mineral tar. It is obtained by partial […]